Taskmaster is a British comedy panel show, created by Alex Horne, and co-presented by Horne and Greg Davies, that has aired since 2015. Seventeen full series have been broadcast, with the eighteenth currently airing. Three Champion of Champions series and four New Year's specials have also been broadcast. Channel 4 has committed to the twice-yearly series format until at least Series 21 (in 2026).[1]
The series is based on a show by Alex Horne at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in 2010 called The Taskmaster, in which 20 comedians were given tasks to do through email. The show was eventually won by Mike Wozniak. Horne then hosted Taskmaster II at Edinburgh in 2011, featuring 10 contestants, with Josie Long being crowned winner.
The TV series features five contestants who are tasked with completing bizarre challenges which often require lateral thinking. Most tasks are completed individually by each contestant, although some are done as teams. The majority of tasks take place at the Taskmaster Cottage, located in Chiswick, London.
Each episode begins with a Prize Task, in which each contestant brings a prize that follows a specific theme, and will be taken home by the episode winner.
This is followed by three or four pre-filmed tasks. Tasks are usually delivered in a white envelope with a wax seal which the contestant will read aloud. Once everyone's attempt at a task is shown, points will be given out, with the winner usually getting five points, second place getting four points etc. Additionally, the contestants may receive bonus points on rare occasions, either per a predetermined rule on the task, or through the Taskmaster's whims.
The final task of each episode is a live task that is performed on stage. If an episode ends in a tie between two contestants, a pre-filmed tie-break task is used to decide the winner.
At the end of the series, the contestant with the most points will receive a trophy. In Series 1, this was a karate trophy, whereas since Series 2, it is a gold bust of Davies' head. In the 2017 and 2022 Champion of Champions specials, the winner received a life-size gold statue of Davies, without the head. The trophy for the New Year's specials is a gilded replica of Davies' eyebows.
With each series come portraits for each contestant as well as a collective portrait of all contestants, plus Greg and Alex. These portraits are taken and edited by Simon Webb.
Series Overview[]
External links[]
Festival Shows | The Taskmaster • Taskmaster II • Edinburgh Does... Taskmaster | |
Televison | Current | Taskmaster • Bäst i Test • Kongen Befaler • Stormester • Suurmestari • Taskmaster NZ • Direktor Svemira • Taskmaster (Portugal) • Le Maître du jeu • Taskmaster Australia |
Past | Het Grootste Licht • Dicho y hecho • Taskmaster (Germany) Taskmaster (United States) |